Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Moved in, but internet challenged
We needed to get unpacked and settled pretty quickly since Sandy's family would be coming over for our annual Christmas Eve celebration only 9 days later. The team all kicked in and worked together, it was great to see. We even had some time to finish out our Christmas shopping. Sandy's brother Alan was able to come by a couple days and help us unpack and put the beds back together...that was huge. Valerie took charge of decorating for Christmas and did a really great job...there is some real talent in there that she has been suppressing. The Christmas holidays have been really enjoyable and we were even able to sit in front of a cozy fire in our new fireplace and enjoy time together as a family.
My one glitch of the move has been getting my high speed Internet connected...they are still working on getting the DSL activated hopefully by the end of the we have been Internet challenged this past week and email deprived. Consequently I am driving in to the office to work in Downers Grove. While it is more miles than from the old house it was about the same amount of time, maybe even a little quicker with the light holiday traffic.
I will update more with some pictures when we get connected from home.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Main entry and stairs.
Music studio (with beautiful arches) and entry into the kitchen.
Kitchen (picture taken from family room)
Morning room (we will use as dining room), big enough for our table!
Upstairs is looking good as well.
Outside......we now have 3 trees (1 in back) and a couple of bushes planted. The front is all sodded although that's hard to see with the snow. Just about ready for us to move in!
In the midst of all this packing and moving, our little Lisa turned 5! It's hard to believe that she is already 5, but she daily reminds us that she is growing up.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
The Finish line is in sight !!
Having the railings stained makes a big difference. They really look I am told :^))

Here are a few know you're getting close when the appliances begin to show up.
Hard wood floors are all in, the tile guy is working diligently on tiling the bathrooms and the trim man was still finishing up on trim.
Most of the kitchen cabinets are in place now, they still need to complete the island and then do counter tops and sink and all.
We also have the top soil (black dirt) spread...looks nice for dirt....grass will be much better.
We have a walk through on December 10th and closing is tentatively scheduled for December 14th.
Looks like we will be in the new place before Christmas.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Railings, Electrical, Painted, Trim and Floors Started

They have installed the closet doors in many rooms and there are kitchen cabinets on site. Underneath all that cardboard in the kitchen area below is hardwood floors. The heat appears to be running, which is good for the floors. There is ceramic tile in boxes ready to be installed.
Below is the morning room...they are still working on the hardwood floors here. You can see the color as some is left uncovered.
Progress continues...not sure how much will get done next week with the Thanksgiving holiday. Our neighbors on both sides have their foundations poured. They will probably begin framing their homes in the next two weeks (weather permitting). Sandy will probably go inside next expect a bunch more pictures and updates.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Gutters, Driveway and Neighbors !!

We also have neighbors building on both sides of us has the foundation walls up the other just has the footing forms set in place. There is also a hole dug across the street and down a few houses .... hey, that makes a Neighborhood !!
Friday, November 2, 2007
Siding, Shutters and Sidewalks
Next week they plan to finish the mudding and possibly get the painting started. They are also planning to put in the driveway at the end of next week.
There is someone working at the house every day.
Here is a new look at the front of the house.

Monday, October 29, 2007
Family Update

Heidi will be staying at Becca's for the week to get in some quality time with her.
Julie is down at the Fine Arts Festival this week as a sponsor and accompanist for many of the MMBA students. She enjoys this time down at BJU because she gets to catch up with some friends and see the Tompkins family.
The younger kids have also been having a good time building box tunnels in the garage before we get the boxes all packed and ready to go.

Joe continues to do well at school and is looking forward to coming home for Thanksgiving.
That's the quick update, the rest of us are just excited about the house.
Drywall is in place

Monday, October 22, 2007
Pre-Drywall inspection
It was cool to see all the insulation in place and every opening/gap between floors and the outside foamed also. They will begin doing the drywall later this week.
Here are just a couple pictures, they have also begun building the front porch and trimming out the garage.
Pre-drywall inspection today
Hopefully we will be able to post a couple new pictures later today.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
October 10, 2007
Monday, October 8, 2007
House progress on 10/5/07

Check out all the duct work up to the second floor.

Julie really loves the Arches into her music room.

Thursday, October 4, 2007
Some House History
The house began as a BIG hole in the ground at the end of August. Here are a few shots as we progressed through building the initial structure.