Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Whooping Cough?!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
With love,
All the MuellerMICE
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Baking Day
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Becca's Birthday
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Joe Is Home!
God's Amazing Artwork!
It is quite interesting to try and photograph anything on a window as the camera wants to take a picture through - as opposed to of - the window.
1/12/09 NOTE: We figured out why only this one window had the frost. There was actually some condensation in between the inside glass and the outside one. As this is not how it ought to be, we just had it fixed about a week or two ago. No more frost. :-( (Glad we saw it and got the pictures while we could!)
Monday, December 15, 2008
One Year!
Monday, December 8, 2008
One Month!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Interesting fact from their wedding: Grandma's veil caught on fire at the reception as she went to throw her bouquet. (For those who were concerned, she was perfectly fine and didn't even notice until the photographer saw it pulled her veil off.)
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Grandma and Granddad Have Moved In!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Good News Today - NO Surgery required
I went back to the Orthopedic doctor today and we confirmed that there is NO surgery required for my heel or ankle joints... he said he could if I really wanted it, but everything was falling within the acceptable tolerances....I obviously opted for NO surgery. So from this point forward it is just let the body do its healing and do what we can to protect it from any further injury. I am still in a soft cast for another two weeks while we continue to wait for swelling to go down and get back to "normal".
I did have a first the other night....we needed some supplies for David to continue on our projects (he has stepped up and been a great help). So off to Home Depot we went and I took advantage of one of those electric carts...beep beep, watch out for Dad....I must say I felt a little like a Grandpa cruising around the store...then I realized...I am a Grandpa. Oh well, I was thankful for the ride rather than using the crutches.
Time for more elevation and ice. Sandy has a bunch of pictures on her camera, I just haven't been able to download them here yet.
Take care,
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Bill is out of commission for a while
It has been a rather eventful week. We are pretty much ready for Granddad and Grandma to move in on Nov. 8. Their room is ready, the ramp into the house is built and the room in the garage for Granddad is almost done. While Bill and David were finishing up mudding the drywall in the garage room on Tuesday night, Bill (that's me) did a dumb thing. I was standing backwards on the ladder mudding the ceiling joint and I slipped. The fall was about 5 feet straight down landing full force on my left heel. Thankfully I didn't hit anything else on the way down. Sandy was out doing some shopping...but was informed we needed to make a trip to the ER for some x-rays. I was pretty sure that the ankle was not broken, but not so sure about the heel. I was right, the heel has 5,6,7 breaks....they quit counting, let's just call it shattered. The ER doctors were surprised I didn't also break my hip or back, which is common with that type of fall. It is currently in a soft cast, I saw the orthopedic doctor on Thursday and he said so far no surgery but I need a CT scan on Saturday to check the joints and get some clearer pictures. Sandy has been taking pictures (external) so I may be able to post them later, it is a very pretty purple right now. Healing time is estimated to be 3 months (that's a long time)...so for now I have moved into the supervisor role and David is stepping up in the laborer role.
Thanks for praying....pray more for Sandy and the kids....I am not the best patient, I don't do well sitting around doing nothing...thankfully I have a laptop and wireless.
Sandy will be making the trip north next weekend to drive home with the girls since I have been advised not to fly due to potential blood clots.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Happy Anniversary!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
It's Valerie's Birthday!
This is the earliest picture that I have access to while I'm up here, but I thought I show it so that many could see how much she's grown up. :-)
Praise the Lord that she has also done much spiritual growing, and is continuing in that growth day by day. It is such a blessing for me to be able to have this special time to serve alongside of her and to watch her as she tries to share God's love and care with others.
You're a very special young lady, Valerie, and a wonderful little big sister! :-)
Monday, September 15, 2008
My Daddy's Birthday...
Though we aren't at home to share it with him, we are celebrating my Daddy's birthday today.
Have a wonderful birthday, Daddy!
~Heidi :-)
P.S. Feel free to leave comments and tell him "Happy Birthday" for yourselves. :-)
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Added Ventures' First Big Adventure!
Their first big adventure was to take the family up to Canada.
The red one went around 2,600 miles and crossed Canadian/American borders about 6 times.
The gold one went around 1,250 miles and crossed Canadian/American borders 5 times (the reason this one's numbers are smaller is because it is staying up north with Val and me).
This post was brought to you by request of one of our faithful readers. :-)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Handing it over........
Monday, August 25, 2008
Back Home Safe and Sound
Just a quick note to say we have returned to the good ole USA safe and sound minus our two temporary Canadians...Valerie and Heidi are settling in and preparing for their time ahead.
I guess I will need to find time to update and add pictures now that Heidi has other things to do.
That will need to wait a couple days...but let it be said that we had a very enjoyable vacation and everyone got to do some things they had never done before.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Thursday Afternoon~Isle Aux Coudres
The cool bikes!My original group. (We switched groups and seatings multiple times throughout the trip.) The other group before they left.
We stopped for a somewhat posed picture with the Saint Lawrence River in the background before we turned around to head back to the bike place.
Kimberly did get to try it as well, but she and Dad both agree she's not quite ready to be on the roads just yet.David and HB got to try their hands at driving too - but only in the parking lot.
Thusday Morning
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Wednesday Evening Service
No pictures - Sorry.
Monday-Wednesday~Working at the church
On Wednesday, the Teachouts left for some meetings they had in Maine. The ladies went out shopping for kitchen stuff (minus the food) and anything else we may have forgotten for Valerie and me and our apartment (and we got a mini view of Quebec city on, or rather out, of the way :-) ). While we were away, the guys got to "dig in" on re-organizing the basement from the workroom it had been to an open area where the kids can play and it can be used for classes and whatever else it may be needed for.
Some "before and after" pictures.
The main section of the basement, the workroom.
The church kitchen and temporary laundry room.
This was where we laid out our breakfast options at the beginning of our stay, but it really is to be the schoolroom.
And After
Oh, and here is a picture of all the kitchen stuff we got, all unpackaged and ready to be washed. No, we are not that messy - like ever - only when we get a bunch of new stuff that needs cleaning and we have to stop to get ready for the Wednesday evening service!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Tuesday Evening~Montmorency Falls
I was just amazed at the difference between the almost glassy water and then, all of the sudden, it becomes this foam!
This is a picture of the stairs that we went down. We went from the pavilion/gazebo thing (toward the top of the picture) all the way down to that bigger flat spot at the very bottom and center of this picture.This was taken on our way back up.