Sunday, March 18, 2012

Very Short Post

This is indeed a very short post, but I wanted to be able to share at least some pictures and videos with you, even though I have not yet written up a whole post.  Following are some links that you are more than welcome to visit and enjoy!

Some pictures a friend took at Adam & Valerie's wedding.  {no longer available}

Video of the live-streaming of Adam & Valerie's wedding.  (Sound doesn't kick in until after the prelude due to copyright issues.)

Some pictures a friend took at Joe & Mary Jane's wedding.  {no longer available}

Video of the live-streaming of Joe & Mary Jane's wedding.

Some fun pictures of couples (married and and engaged ones) amongst the Mueller Family that were taken by a friend after Joe & Mary Jane's wedding.  (After Joe & Mary Jane had left, which explains why you don't see them.)  {no longer available}

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay! It's a post! :)