Friday, July 4, 2008

I Pledge Allegiance...

" the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Praise the Lord for the United States of America and all that we have here, but we aren't enjoying the full blessing of the Lord like we used to and could be enjoying it. We are trying to leave God out of the picture, but without God there is no picture! It is He Who was there before time began (in fact, He created time)! It is He Who created us! It is He Who sustains us from day to day! It is He Who made the payment for my sin and for your sin and gave us the opportunity to have a life that is truely worth living and spend all of eternity with Him in Heaven after we either die, or He returns to take us up to Himself - all this for free, we must only accept His gift, His payment! It is He Who will someday judge those who have not accepted His gift and He will give them their wages for their sin - death - eternal seperation from Him. It is He to Whom we, who have accepted His gift, will have to give account of all the things we have done in our body - whether good or bad. It is He with Whom I will spend my eternity! Without Him there is nothing! Let's bring God back into the picture! God is the One Who has allowed all the "natural" disasters of late. I believe that He is using them to try and wake us up. Are we going to let them remind us that God is in control and He must be our everything? If God is our everything, what all does that include? He is our Protector (not our military, ultimately)! He is our Provider (it is God Who supplied your job and Who gave you that talent in the first place)! He is the Good Shepherd - He cares about and for His sheep! He is our mediator - He is the way to God! He is the Creator (as I already went well into)! He is the God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob...and He is my God! He is the one true living God! My God keeps His promises...and here is one of them, but notice, it comes with a few conditions ~"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." ~II Chronicles 7:14. I don't really have time to keep going, and you probably don't either, but the list could keep going, and going, and going, and going, etc.........maybe someday I'll come back and continue it - we'll see....but here's the point, God has given us promises, but in order for Him to fulfill them, we must fulfill our part. Do we really want God? Are we willing to let go of the things that don't really matter for eternity? Are we ready and willing to change and surrender our lives and our all to Him? He owns us in every possible way, but He has granted us a free will. Are we willing to call, and to serve Him as Lord of our lives? Are we willing to humble ourselves, and pray, and seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways?

As you think today about our country, remember that any greatness that we have is of the Lord! Let us humble ourselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways (including pride, selfishness, materialism, etc.) not only today, but from now on. May God be merciful to us and our country and may we, His servants, be filled with His Spirit and be used of Him in such a way that the world might be turned upside down, that the whole world might know the gospel and might turn from having their backs to God to seeking His face! God can do anything, but are you willing to let Him use you to accomplish that "anything"?!

Psalm 20:7 ~"Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God."

Psalm 33:12 ~"Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance."

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